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Membership in the Chamber brings many advantages for member business. It may include networking opportunities, member benefits and discounts, business support and advice.

Membership of the Chamber is significant and builds over time - the more you use the Chamber and its member benefits, the more you’ll get out of your membership. In many cases membership pays for itself through the discounts and other benefits available.  The exposure through our business listings, social media, website and sponsor opportunities is a basic marketing tool you can't get anywhere else for less! 

Reasons to become a Chamber member:

Networking opportunities

The Stromsburg Chamber has invested in a new Member Management software program and website to increase communication and efficiency for all.  Utilize the Members Only Forum to discuss event plans, share ideas and news or support each other through challenging times.   Keep up with what's happening in our Chamber Community with the News articles on our website.  Know what's ahead with the Chamber Calendar, also found on the website. 

Attend 8-9 Chamber Meetings per year to share your opinions, ideas and concerns.  Help the Chamber succeed by contributing to the conversation. Each membership has one vote in all voting matters during these meetings.   

We hold 3-4 Business After Hours events per year, hosted by local businesses, to showcase thoses businesses and celebrate successes. 

Member benefits and discounts

The Chamber directly supports member businesses through the Chamber Bucks program.  All member businesses may accept Chamber Bucks and be reimbursed by the Chamber.  Chamber Bucks may be purchased by anyone and are often used as gifts, donations, prizes and more.

Most Chamber activites are free for members to participate in.  There may be a few throughout the year that require a fee for participation.  Members will receive a discount on these fees whenever possible.  

Members may share job postings, volunteer and supply needs, sales events and more through the website and social media.  Celebrate the success of your business and employees by sharing the news with your Chamber community! 

Business support and advice

Thanks to the resources and experience within the Chamber, as well as its strong business relationships across and outside the Stromsburg area, your membership with the Chamber is useful in finding relevant business information, support and advice.  We have a list of business resources that you may connect with on several topics that face businesses today.  

Getting stronger with our chamber!

Follow Us

The Stromsburg Chamber Board is made up of volunteers. They represent area businessees or hold Family Memberships and meet monthly. Board members may serve two consecutive, three year terms. Additional terms may be served following one year or more away from the board.  If interested in how you may support the Stromsburg Chamber as a board member, committee member or otherwise please contact a board member or join a chamber meeting, typically held the third Thursday at noon, most months of the year.  Follow our Facebook page for updates and meeting information.  Meeting and event details may also be found on our website calendar or in the Polk Co. News weekly paper.  


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