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About us

In the beginning...

Stromsburg was settled early in Nebraska history. A group of Swedish settlers coming from the town of Ockelbo arrived in the 1860s after several years in Illinois. This group had a leader named Lewis Headstrom, who was a real estate agent. Seeing some similarities to their old Swedish homeland the settlers formed what would be called Stromsburg, named after a section of Ockelbo, Sweden. Stromsburg was established in 1872.  By the 1880s two brickyards were in operation in the town. Many buildings from ‘native’ brick still stand, including the Viking Center, now a community center that was originally The Opera House; the former Cornerstone Bank; two businesses on the east side of the square; and several homes. Brick streets still surround the city square in Stromsburg. A brick Carnegie library was built in Stromsburg in 1918. The downtown area of Stromsburg has a town square in its center. This square forms a park, with lawns and mature trees, where festivals and events are held. In the center of the square is a two-story Swedish style building made of brick with decorative toll painting and the phrase "Välkommen" (Swedish for "Welcome").

Stromsburg was given the title of the “Swede Capital of Nebraska” by Governor Frank B. Morrison in 1966 at the Swedish Festival. The Swedish festival is held in June each year and showcases Stromburg's Swedish heritage.

Stromsburg Today...

Stromsburg is home to about 1,150 people.  We celebrate our Swedish heritage while adapting to the changing times.  Its not everywhere you may enjoy a bite of lutefisk or watch the Maypole dancing while your electric car charges at the charging station.  We host celebrations throughout the year, thanks to a strong group of vounteers.  There are several thriving businesses in our community, with new businesses popping up recently and more in the works.   We encourage you to explore what Stromsburg has to offer.  Please click on the links below or contact us with your questions.  

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The Stromsburg Chamber Board is made up of volunteers. They represent area businessees or hold Family Memberships and meet monthly. Board members may serve two consecutive, three year terms. Additional terms may be served following one year or more away from the board.  If interested in how you may support the Stromsburg Chamber as a board member, committee member or otherwise please contact a board member or join a chamber meeting, typically held the third Thursday at noon, most months of the year.  Follow our Facebook page for updates and meeting information.  Meeting and event details may also be found on our website calendar or in the Polk Co. News weekly paper.  


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