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Member benefits

Have an Online Presence with a listing on our chamber website

Help grow and promote Stromsburg as a great place to live

Generate Revenue by accepting Chamber Bucks at your business

Our growing, small town Chamber currently offers the following benefits:

  • Listing on our website as a Chamber Member with a link to your website and/or social media
  • Business Profile on our website you may edit any time you like- hours of operation, description, photos and more
  • Access to Members Only forum discussions about local news, event plans and debriefing, collaborating, trends, opportunities, etc.
  • Easy online dues, sponsor and donation payments
  • Access to view the Chamber Members' meeting minutes on the Members Only page
  • Recognition via the Chamber's social media platforms- rotating featured businesses as well as sharing of your posts
  • Speaker slots at Chamber events, giving you an opportunity to share your organization's expertise
  • One vote per membership for Chamber business conducted during Members' Meetings
  • Access to utilize our Chamber email list to promote your business
  • Additional revenue by accepting Chamber Bucks

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Address: Country, City, Street, 1


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