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Committee Members needed!

January 12, 2023 3:00 PM | Hillary Mundt (Administrator)

The Chamber Board is looking for Stromsburg area folks who are interested in supporting our Business Development and Retention Committee, Ambassadors/PR/Retail Committee and Strategic Planning Committee.   The Swedish Festival Committee, Event Structure Committee and Special Events Committees will welcome additional help as well.  To get involved please reach out to a Chamber Board member or attend our next Chamber meeting.  

Follow Us

The Stromsburg Chamber Board is made up of volunteers. They represent area businessees or hold Family Memberships and meet monthly. Board members may serve two consecutive, three year terms. Additional terms may be served following one year or more away from the board.  If interested in how you may support the Stromsburg Chamber as a board member, committee member or otherwise please contact a board member or join a chamber meeting, typically held the third Thursday at noon, most months of the year.  Follow our Facebook page for updates and meeting information.  Meeting and event details may also be found on our website calendar or in the Polk Co. News weekly paper.  


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